What’s new in September - Introducing new classes of Gomu API endpoints

What’s new in September - Introducing new classes of Gomu API endpoints

Gomu Team

This September, we have been working on introducing new classes of API endpoints to return more extensive data from NFT marketplaces, along with adding new data filter options and reworking our existing API endpoints to improve the way data displays in our API responses.

Product Updates

1. Introducing Order Book, a new class of endpoints [Alpha]

This category of API endpoints focuses around order book data from different marketplaces, which includes bid and ask prices of tokens from specified collections. We currently support these marketplaces such as OpenSea, X2Y2, LooksRare and Sudoswap, with more coming soon!

Order Book Events

/rest/orderbook/event returns all recent order book events of a specified collection across all supported marketplaces. The interval parameter allows you to set exactly up to how many minutes ago you want to be querying for events, with the maximum being one hour. Instead of using multiple sets of APIs to get the same data, you can use this one single endpoint to view the most recent activities of a specified collection across multiple marketplaces.

View our sample call: All orderbook events under MAYC over the past hour

For more information, see the Order Book Events documentation.

Order Book Floor Price

/rest/orderbook/floor-price displays the lowest currently listed asking price for a specified collection across all supported marketplaces. The ability to filter by specific token IDs or traits will make it easier for you to build discovery experiences for these types of listings.

View our sample call: The lowest ask for all Bored Apes with Solid Gold fur

For more information, see the Floor Price documentation.

Order Book Snapshot

/rest/orderbook/snapshot can be used to view all active asks and bids of a specified collection across all supported marketplaces. There are a number of different ways to filter the results of this request, from using traits, to setting price ranges and even specifying a marketplace to query for. This endpoint is great for getting a much more holistic view of what tokens of a collection are being priced at across the entire chain.

View our sample call: All Azukis listed between 6 & 8 ETH across all supported marketplaces

For more information, see the Order Book Snapshot documentation.

2. Introducing a new class of endpoints to look up ENS Address and vice versa

This set of endpoints make it possible to look up the wallet tied to a specific ENS Address, as well as, look up all ENS Addresses that a specific wallet owns. While this release is limited to ENS only, we will look at potentially supporting other domain providers in the future, given the number of other such providers out there.

Resolve ENS

/rest/ens/resolve takes in an ENS address and returns the wallet address it is currently being held by, the expiration date tied to the ENS Address and whether the ENS address is set as the primary address for the wallet it is in.

View our sample call: The wallet address tied to dingaling.eth

For more information, see the Resolve ENS documentation.

Reverse Resolution

/rest/ens/reverse-resolve does the opposite. It allows you to enter a wallet address and receive all of the ENS addresses currently being held by the wallet, including their expiration dates and which of the ENS addresses is set as the primary address for the wallet.

View our sample call: Looking up all ENS addresses held by dingaling.eth's wallet

For more information, see the Reverse Resolution documentation.

3. Two new Transfers endpoints

We have added two more ways to query for transactions with the addition of /rest/transfers/by-transaction-hash and /rest/transfers/by-market endpoints, under our Transfers category of endpoints. These allow you to look up transactions by transaction hash and market respectively, making querying for transactions even more flexible when using our APIs. The latter endpoint is currently in Alpha, only supporting Ethereum for now, but the former can take in transaction hashes from Ethereum and BSC.

View our sample call: All Sudoswap transactions from newest to oldest

For more information, see the Transfers by Transaction Hash and Transfers by Market documentation.

4. New filter parameter for /rest/nfts/by-wallet and /rest/nfts/summary-by-wallet

You can now filter the results returned by contract address when using our /rest/nfts/by-wallet and /rest/nfts/summary-by-wallet endpoints. This allows you to look up tokens being held by wallet from a specified collection. You will not have to set up scripts to parse through the contents of wallets to see if they hold tokens from a specific collection or not anymore, and instead make use of this new parameter.

View our sample call: Here are all the Apes held by dingaling.eth

For more information, see the NFTs by Wallet and NFT Summary by Wallet documentation.

5. Reworked Contract Overview endpoint

We have received a lot of feedback around our /rest/nfts/by-token, /rest/nfts/by-contract and /rest/nfts/by-wallet endpoints, specifically on repeating information (e.g. contract address and other collection-level details) displayed in the response for these calls. To help with this, we have moved the contract and markets objects away from the above three endpoints, and we have made them available through our reworked /rest/overview/contract.

View our sample call: An overview of BAYC

For more information, see the Contract Overview documentation.

Builder Highlight

The team at askNFTY has been busy building the world’s first consumer facing, blockchain agnostic NFT portfolio tracker and data aggregation tool, and we are proud to be one of the partners helping to power their platform through our NFT data.

askNFTY aims to take NFTs and the underlying technology to the next level. To do this, the team is building a suite of tools that aims to remove the complexity surrounding NFTs and make NFTs safer to engage with by providing users with robust, real-time data around their favorite collections. By having access to this data, users can make more informed decisions and avoid potential risks when trading NFTs.

Gomu’s NFT APIs are able to provide an important source of data that helps power askNFTY’s suite of NFT tools. The completeness of our data specifically made a key difference, with our APIs being able to surface information even from the oldest of NFT collections, contributing to the rich robust NFT data being surfaced by askNFTY’s tools.

For more information on askNFTY, visit and follow @askNFTY on Twitter.

To all the builders out there, reach out to us here if you are building and launching with the Gomu API. We will love to feature your product in our upcoming monthly updates. Till then, happy building everyone!